A side collection of comics made in and around the cast of my main retail webcomic, Honestly not a Robot.
There’s no set schedule or set planned outcome for anything here! Solely comics to explore my characters and ideas that live in my head that have no space in my main story!
Not a Gamer – 2022
This is a work of parody and the series this drew inspiration from are not
entirely based off of one single game or series. All opinions are formed
through my experience with various media.
but if you know, you know.
Who works on the comic?
I’m Emma Thatcher and I’m a former retail worker from the UK who writes and draws the comic Honestly not a Robot and the other related comics here! Probably human? (She/her)

I am Necrobatty over at Twitter and Tumblr
Contact is Honestlyarobot @ gmail.com
Character names and any likenesses are fictional.
Any combinations that match a person’s name irl
would be purely coincidental and no character
references any one person.