It only exploded a little bit, just enough to not damage any of the environment and keep the buldings intact. You know, a “cool” amount of explosions, not actual damage.

↓ Transcript
Ash gasps. "I-I think it is!"
Damian chuckles. "So why is the island still intact?"
"No no no stop it! "Ash pleads through his laughter. "It's the rule of cool, Damian! Stop over thinking it!"
"No! Overthinking is what I DO!"

Shadi does a cool backflip kick on screen whilst Damian grins, bag of crisps in hand.
"And I need to know why the moon and this island still exist."
Ash smirks whilst Shadi trigger a cutscene in game. "We've been over this! This game has teleporting meteors and and and superpowered anime mean and Gods and well... we just have to roll with it!"