There they are! My lads! I got to this point and I just went “You know what, i have things to say” and started ad libbing script from this point on. “Just do 4 pages to practice layouts” I said. “Don’t do more than the scene” I said… oops.

↓ Transcript
The spikey blue haired man and the red and black haired man pose dramatically, as a countdown announces 3, 2, 1, FIGHT!

Someone's speech cuts in. "Hold up, "choke on those words"? That was a bit aggressive for the hero to say, but ok."
The panel switches from the higher quality drawing to a polygon version of the black and red haired man. An overlay of points, extra lives and timers frames him.

"So now you fight this guy?"
Another voice interjects. "Yes!"
"They... didn't wait around, huh."

The panel switches to two guys on a ratty brown sofa. The shorter round guy, Ash, is holding a controller as he chats to the taller man with his arms crossed inquisitively,; his long dark hair laying on his shoulders.
"Ah, you just press "jump" a bunch and you win. It's not hard at all."
The other man, Damian, raises an eyebrow. "That's it? After all that smack talk about being "cool," you just... jump?"