Note: “Defo” is a slang contraction of “definitely”

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Damian looks to Ash as he plays his game.
"So Skyler fights Shadiroth 'cause he's annoyed someone is challenging his ego?"
Ash nods. "That and Shadiroth is evil!"

Skyler, the man in blue, jumps onto the man in red, Shadiroth, and they drop jewels and stuff. Ash continues. "All he has done so far, in Skyler's point of view, is turn up and yell at him. That and..."
Ash ponders. "I think he robbed a bank? And threatened to do more crimes??"
Damian looks confused. "Ash, was that ever shown in game?"
Ash sticks out his tongue in concentration. "Yes? On a jpeg of a newspaper at the start? To me, Skyler looked at the red and black coat and thought "Yep, he's evil!"

Shadi throws a powerful punch in the game.
"Damian, they are universally accepted colours for "Edgelord" after all.

Ash looks to an even more confused Damian. "Also we all saw Shadiroth do the villain speech earlier. just maybe take the game's word for it?"
Damian exhales, sending his fringe to flop upwards. "So to clarify, from the start of the game: some guy has turned up, declared he is cooler then the other and it started a rivalry?

Ash beams happily. "YUP! And it's great!"
"Yeah ok... defo sounds like something that happens on a Friday night and the pub."